Saturday, April 14, 2007

return of the hedgie

he's back!
he's alive!
he's running on his wheel!

and i guess it's a good thing, sort of, that he sprouted those two tumors, because during the surgery the vet called to say they'd found a third tumor. it was only when i got to the office that they told me what it was: in his neck, about the size of a gumball (and he's only the size of my hand, so that's a really big tumor), and well-established. meaning, hard to remove. meaning, they probably didn't get it all out, and it could be highly malignant, and it'll probably come back, or show up elsewhere. ugh.

so, that's the bad news.

but for now, he's all right. a little grumpy, but who wouldn't be, considering?

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